Today was a perfect spring day at Palmerston Beach. It rained on our drive there and back, but the clouds parted for our beach time and we were able to do some serious exploring thanks to an extra low tide.
The Old Suquash Coal Mine
We took a drive to the old Suquash Coal Mine yesterday. It's so full of history and gives visitors an idea of the community that once existed there. The beach is strewn with sandstone and bits of coal along with stunning vistas. The hike in is quick and you are immediately immersed in a tall stand of trees that is littered with bits of historical treasures. In only a couple more minutes you will find yourself on a vast, rocky beach with expansive views of Malcolm Island and the Queen Charlotte Strait. We love exploring and learning about local history- let us know if you want to join us in the future!
Grant Bay on a Beautiful Day!
We had a great trip to Grant Bay this weekend with an awesome group of people. The weather was perfect, the lunches were very tasty, and we all came home with big smiles on our faces!
Beaver Lake Interpretive Trail
We highly recommend taking a trip to the Beaver Lake Interpretive trail. It's a very easy walk and offers a glimpse of our local forests at their different life stages. The interpretive signs are very informative and the trail is well maintained. Check it our for yourselves or let us take you there! We are available to take guests wherever they like on northern Vancouver Island and are happy to help you create your own adventure!
A long weekend at Raft Cove Provincial Park.
The Cove Adventure Tours crew just got home from an amazing long weekend at Raft Cove Provincial Park. We had all sorts of glorious (and some wet) weather and were able to have tons of beach fun. We surfed, walked the beach, checked out the stunning tidal pools, and cruised the river in canoes. We also had the fortune of watching a large group of grey whales hanging out in the bay on their journey north for the summer. We hope that everyone else enjoyed their weekend as much as us!
We did it!
The site is live and we are ready to explore northern Vancouver Island with all of you! Our tours will start at the beginning of May and will continue to ramp up as summer begins. We would love to hear from you with any tour ideas or inspirations! Happy exploring from the crew at Cove Adventure Tours!
ps- pic is from a Grant Bay trip we went on in February.